Mathieu Mercuriali is an architect DPLG and an doctor of architecture. As practitioner, researcher and professor at the ENSA of Strasbourg, he creates and studies projects that redraw the border between architecture and the living.

With nearly twenty years of experience as an architect and urban planner, I articulate in my practice the urban scale, the infrastructural scale and the architectural scale. My professional career has allowed me to address the issue of complexity, both in relation to the manufacturing process, but also in an urban context, the issue of composition, drawing and representation of a large project.

The experience I gained in the development of large-scale projects in an agency enabled me to undertake a doctoral research project from 2010 to 2015, at EPFL, on the transformations of mobility infrastructures, in order to explore the articulation between scales: from architecture to urban planning. Today, I am exploring new fields in the framework of my Habilitation to Supervise Research entitled « From the machine to the living », focusing on the relationship between the industrialisation of our lifestyles and its consequences on our environment.

Dans un contexte où des mutations de plus en plus accélérées influent à la fois sur notre cadre de vie et sur la profession d’architecte, mon enseignement de l’architecture se compose d’une série d’expériences et de recherches qui prennent en compte trois enjeux majeurs : l’environnement social et écologique, l’obsolescence du cadre bâti et la transition numérique. L’articulation des échelles territoriale, urbaine, infrastructurelle et architecturale devient ainsi le support d’un enseignement de la fabrique du projet dans des équipes pluridisciplinaires.